So there was this Flemish geezer called Wizo who, with a name like that sounds like he should be a wizard. Sadly he wasn’t. Despite his lack of magical abilities, he was granted a piece of land by Henry the first who had taken control of it from the previous owner who was in revolt against Henry. Wizo built a motte and bailey castle, ‘cos why wouldn’t you? It is considered one of the best examples of its type in Wales. It is situated in the Pembrokeshire village of Wiston in south west Wales which is named after Wizo – Wiston being an Old Flemish/Saxon for Wizo’s enclosure/town.
Tag: motte and bailey castle
Exploring The Beautiful Bronllys Castle
This Motte and Baily castle in Powys, Wales was founded c. 1110 by Richard Fitz Pons a marcher lord on the border with Wales. The original castle was built of wood but was replaced with a stone structure by Walter de Clifford sometime between 1144 and 1165 when it is reported that the tower caught fire.
Even though there are no ceilings or floors left, you can go right to the top of its tower, where there are some lovely views.
Bronllys Castle Potted History
Today we are visiting Bronllys Castle! In around 1144, Walter de Clifford, an Angelo Norman marcher lord, founded a fortress on the banks of Afon Llynfi- a tributary of the River Wye.
All that remains of what was once a Motte and Bailey were the round stone keep and separate hall, are the impressive motte and 80-foot tall keep.
Everything else is gone. The keep has three floors, all of which are still accessible, although the floors themselves have long since rotted away. The third floor was a later more lavish addition, complete with latrine.
Over the years the castle passed from the Cliffords to the Giffords to the de Bohun earls of Hereford, and eventually in 1399, to King Henry IV. In the early 15th century the fortifications were improved to withstand the forces of Owain Glyndwr. By 1521 however, the castle was considered beyond repair after a century of neglect.
The Motte
I’m standing in front of the motte, and you can just see some stone poking out the bottom of it that looks quite hefty, so I should imagine there’s quite a bit of stone in it as well. And on top of it is a tower, and you can go around the outside on a spiral staircase, there really aren’t very many mottes that still have stuff on them.
There was a castle next to it- but that’s no longer there. I’m gonna go and climb it now.
Motte aesthetics
The views from up here are really lovely. You’ve got all the nice autumnal trees in the background, and you’ve got a view over the river and it’s quite peaceful from up here actually as well. You can just hear the bubbling of the river over the road.
I think of all the mottes I’ve been to this is definitely my favourite.
And this is the perfect day to see it because it’s just absolutely, even though it’s grey and overcast, it’s kind of made it because it’s just kind of misty and ethereal. I like it anyway.
Top of the Motte
I’m at the top of the motte and this is still pretty high, not taking into account the fact that you can go into the tower and get higher still. You’ve got a pretty good view across the countryside if you want to get rid of the trees that are in the way. So, as a defensive point, it’s fantastic. You really can see what’s out there. The other advantage of this is that you can be seen from a long way off. So people can go- “Oh I’m not going anywhere near there because there’s a thing with probably people with bows and arrows and that sort of stuff”
So, it’s a good defence, and it’s a good deterrent.
Ground Floor of Bronllys Tower
Come into the tower and this is the first floor you come into, which I suppose you might think of as the ground floor? Even though you’ve come up the motte, below us there’s a basement but you can’t go into that because that’s a hibernaculum for bats and well, it’s all cordoned off so you can’t get in there. Which is good, because the bats don’t want to be disturbed. Now, this would be kind of an anti-chamber- a place that you would come and wait to be taken upstairs to the nice bits where the fireplaces are and it’s a bit more luxurious. So let’s head up now.
Bronllys Tower’s First Floor
That is the ground floor down there; that makes this the first floor and what they’ve very cleverly done to deal with the fact that the floor that was originally in here has rotted away- centuries ago probably- they’ve put in a nice little platform so that you can have a look not only at what this floor would have looked like level-wise, but you could also see the lack of floor in the rest of it, and you can look out of a window over there and see just what people would have been able to see from here back in ‘the day’. We visit quite a few of these places that have got towers and most of them you can’t go into. So the fact that you can go into this one it’s really exciting.
All the Windows
That is the ground floor down there; that makes this the first floor and what they’ve very cleverly done to deal with the fact that the floor that was originally in here has rotted away- centuries ago probably- they’ve put in a nice little platform so that you can have a look not only at what this floor would have looked like level-wise, but you could also see the lack of floor in the rest of it, and you can look out of a window over there and see just what people would have been able to see from here back in ‘the day’. We visit quite a few of these places that have got towers and most of them you can’t go into. So the fact that you can go into this one it’s really exciting.
Views from the top of Bronllys Castles’ Tower
We were promised fantastic views at the top and that’s what it’s delivered. I mean, it’s a misty day and yet you can see the mountains in the distance. It’s just stunning. Imagine, because that’s all I can offer you, imagine what it would look like on a beautiful clear sunny day. Middle of summer. Green trees, the whole nine yards. I quite want a tower now to live in. I mean, the stairs would keep you fit and you get a great view. I’m not seeing a downside here